I love that wonder is the thing to ask for in prayer or revelation -not answers, not anything on a checklist- just the ability to embrace life as it is and be present enough to truly see what a gift it is!

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I agree, though it can be a hard prayer to live out. I strive to live a life of wonder as much as humanly possible.

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I love that Heschel quote about asking for wonder. Our culture can try to snuff out our sense of wonder but I believe it can always be reignited. I would think your work as a teacher of small kids must be good at keeping wonder alive. But I absolutely understand, and have experienced, how it can be at a low ebb because of draining responsibilities, illness, stress, etc. Praying for more wonder for you in 2025, Elliott!

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Love this soft, delightful picture.

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I have often in the past found wonder something that has come easily to me, even when life has been hard. Right now though I feel completely ground down by day to day life and I have been thinking about how to find wonder again. I think I might just need practice...

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